Lorien Swanborough - CX.


You've been diligently collecting your data.
Now use it!

My name is Lorien and I am a CX/UX/Data Specialist who can help you grow your business. I use data-driven insights, and my product development knowledge, to design delightful and effective experiences that help your customers achieve their goals and boost your bottom line.

What I do:

How do I boost your bottom line? I collaborate with business & product owners on questions about their products' performance. I then analyse and assemble various insights and design a personalised customer-led solution addressing these challenges.

  1. Questions are usually centred around: findability/ usability/ differentiation/ sentiment
  2. 1 - Are people actually finding/ using/ visiting "x"?
  3. 2 - Why do potential customers drop off in large quantities at this area of the application form?
  4. 3 - Where are people second-guessing themselves? What elements of the current design stop customer acquisition/ cause barriers to success or limit retention?
  5. 4 - Without going OTT with ads, how do we optimise this design for better ad visibility ROI?
  6. 5 - What areas on the site get the most visitation and drives engagement? What pages can be retired due to lack of engagement and/or answering why people may not reach this area of the site?
  7. 6 - Are our upskilling areas actually effective? What needs to be in there for customers to utilise and feel confident about key product features and make the most of your product, possibly improve tenure, and customers to see the benefits of upgrading their service?
  8. 7 - Why after recent product launches and promotions the CSAT, CES, NPS other customer metric scores might stay stagnant or been in a state of decline?
  9. 8 - What organic searches are people using to land on this site? Do you have the content that they seek and can they easily find it?
  10. 9 - Do you need to deviate work that you based upon the original intended primary user? Is it still all valid or is a pivot required?
  11. 10 - Are your small sample of interview responses indicative of the behaviours of our wider user base?
  12. 11 - How do we differentiate between our Freemium and Premium products?
  13. 12 - Understand why your existing customers base fall out of love with your product or why the love was never felt!

  14. Customer happiness is the foundation of business success. If they can fulfil their objective of what they need to on your site they are more likely to convert, subscribe, see advertising, revisit, be informed.

What is my process of answering questions around: findability/ usability/ differentiation/ sentiment. What type of outputs can you expect?

Overview of study: Assessing the current engagement metrics of digital assets to direct the design update. I used Google Analytics, Console, Hotjar, Qualitative interviews.

Questions being raised: 1/ What are your analytics telling us? 2/ Does our small sample of qualitative interviews match the behaviours and opinions of your wider audience? 3/ How might this influence the design refresh, Ad placements to get the most visibility, etc?

Don't like surprises! ...then you should check your CX data points!

Working with CX data is full of surprises. I have encountered MoT data points that were not capturing data as expected, to completely different, digital experiences being released live making the end-to-end experience incohesive and full of friction points.

Sometimes it’s a matter of fixing some technical issues behind the scenes, and sometimes it’s just a few word changes on a specific channel. Listening to the voice of the customer data can make a huge difference!

I have previously worked with these data sources:

Examples of work:

#8,10,17,22. Customer exit interviews and surveys. Did people have the chance to learn well enough on the topics (reasons why) they decided to off-board with us? This was my process of re-evaluating and confirming what works and what doesn’t work during Pactflow's onboarding process.

#6,13,14. Customer Chat Logs with UX/CX Audit to achieve growth. Do people have access to the info they need on our site to feel confident that we are the right product for them and let them be more likely to convert?

Here's why you should start applying CX.

Applying CX updates can be made by analysing available data and making informed modifications to an element of your offering. Otherwise, we can use the voice of the customer (VoC) insights to craft totally new digital and offline experiences that answer the needs and wants of your audience.

CX helps you pinpoint using data not guessing the elements and/or steps that hinder the chances of a customer reaching their objective (being satisfied) thus enlightening stakeholders on what might need to be changed to their business goals and objectives. CX is also beneficial in revealing processes that conjure up negative sentiment or blockages prohibiting conversion or highlighting unpleasant experiences that can affect how your brand is perceived.

Ultimately not applying CX could make it more costly for you to acquire new customers, less likely to get customers buying upgrades or other products in your range, have shorter tenure, are less loyal, and are more likely to be demotors of your brand. Little things that make it harder to keep your existing user base and attract new customers. No one needs additional costs and effort to acquire customers!

Some CX exercises that I regularly conduct that help assess where a business is at.

Examples of work:

#2 - Social site queries. Finding out what are the top 3 customer problems and what you think we should tackle and why?

#2 - Social site queries. How do improve customer satisfaction? How do we build more confidence among those who have not used our services before so they post jobs or tasks? How can we build job clarity so those who post can be confident that they will get the service and cost they expect?

#4, 8 - Conversion optimisation & Mapping cross-channel experiences. These are the most re-visited pages with negative connotations within our user flow (Google Analytics). Do people have what they need to succeed with installation and calibration without having to visit these pages over and over again?

You have made such a great impact in a short space of time. I am a fan of your work".
GM - Energy Products and Markets - Powersensor.

For Powersensor mapped an end-to-end journey of all app screens, install documentation, support artifacts, info from resellers, customer feedback data + feedback from the product team, and my own experiences installing the physical product and working through the 'how to install & use' app steps.
To find out how I used various datasets on Powersensor or other projects to reveal customer and business insights and highlight opportunities, get in touch!

Now use these insights! What I can help you with from your newly researched CX insights:

Examples of work:

#1 - Storytelling and reporting. Through foundational research found out what is needed to make this transformation successful: we should be solving 2 problems. Helping people find their perfect pet, addressing the stigma that rescue pets = problem pets. This means addressing all doubts and concerns that arise through the whole process of finding and buying a rescue pet, to stop consumers from putting it in the 'too hard basket'.

#5 - Brand promise & purpose definition. A brand refresh most likely won't likely convince those not sold into moving into retirement homes. Looked into the negative stigma around retirement with the hopes to be more attractive to unconvinced prospects, improve interest in retirement living, and have greater uptake.

#3 - Customer experience strategy. Enabling people to understand what less-mobile people go through in their day-to-day lives and why should we care.

#3 - Customer experience strategy. Defining the ambiguous meaning of 'Wow' from our key stakeholders so that everyone has a goal to reach for. The definition has been defined by ideation, foundational and directional research, and audits.

#2,3,7 - Identifying, scoping, and assessing opportunities for improving customer-driven innovation solutions, customer experience strategy & translating technical concepts to targeted audiences. Took the ambiguous meaning of 'Wow' and started to develop the concept and functionality of the Balance Sheet Widget for Next V2. This demonstrates some of my processes when designing.

#8 - Interactive prototypes & wires (Axure). Bringing the 'wow' concepts to reality. Interactive prototypes that explore the 'Wow's' of our revised offering and are durable, and realistic enough to perform research with our audience.

Why and when to bring me onboard to a project...

When a project is in ideation or early stage, has hit a snag & needs to pivot, or stakeholders decide on a refresh: I step in to help.

I am well versed in the end-to-end process of product design to customer support, with industry experience in each phase. Bringing in Customer Experience (CX) insights allows me to address customer problems with ease. I am up for tackling complexity, mess, inconsistencies, unsolved leads, or a loose thread of questionable information that makes you think 'that doesn't seem right!'.

My approach is to reveal insights through the telling of customer stories, backed by data, and then prepare strategies with the greater ecosystem in mind. I work with stakeholders and development teams to bring clarity, using their terminology and tools, to aid progress through what can be complicated situations or objectives. I have a constant learning mindset with recent experience in retail banking, wealth management, and software dev tools. I consider myself adaptable to most product scenarios I encounter, and flexible to many ways of working.

A CX manager called me a 'Sleuth': I was new and I uncovered the causes of a widely known yet unsolved problem. A title I proudly accepted :)

I really wanted to touch base and thank you for the hard work you have contributed to the successful launch of Pepperleaf. It really wouldn't have gotten across the line without your hard work. Having spoken to the editorial and development teams I can tell you how pleased they are with the work you delivered." Digital Design Director, Pacific Magazines

"We had a catch-up with (X, Y, Z) and others yesterday... I was blown away by what you've done on the front-end designs so far. You've done such an amazing job, thank you." CEO Nudefood.co

I was the digital lead for a responsive e-commerce site for a new food subscription service. Coming into a heavily saturated field, I produced a thorough competitive and marketing analysis to find where to 'play' in the market. Presented findings of a possible USP strategy to Senior Stakeholders and senior members of staff from two tie-in Magazine publications. After a comprehensive research phase, art directed content and photoshoots and wired a full site design which included the UX of the checkout, then proceeded to UI and interaction design.

To find out more about this project and how you can find your competitive edge please get in touch!

Some proud achievements in the Strategy/ Data/ UX space:

Our team Access Now won 3x awards at State and Sydney level, at GovHack Syd, 2017. Our App aimed to make Australian towns more accessible by using various Gov. data API's and crowd-sourced data.
Role: Strategy/ UX/ UI, team of 5.

Our team VisualEyes won the "Seed the future" prize, at GovHack Syd, 2018, for an experiential Vivid concept using data visualisations transformed into a game using Gov Data via API's.
Role: Strategy/ UX/ UI, team of 6.

Our team Beach Worthy won the prize for best use of Optus user density API's at AngelHack Syd June 2016, which estimated beach population using mobile user location data.
Role: Strategy/ UX/ UI, team of 4.

Not an award but CX...

A major Australian retailer wanted to improve its Customer Satisfaction scores via an employee eLearn program. I was part of a small team of 3 that reworked the strategy after the agency was initially unsuccessful. We won the account despite a very short 4-day deadline.
Role: Concept/ UX/ UI, team of 3.

CX Data Talk: Prepared and delivered a 50-minute talk to DiUS consultants on working with data. Covered "Have a project and want data" and "Have data and ....!?!". Well received, many more data convos started to happen as a result & the business has seen the value of working with CX data.
Role: Senior Experience Design Consultant. DiUS

Also worth a mention...

Mentos Austalia: Developed lovable characters, scenes & concepts with Mentos products, used in Facebook & Instagram content. Work has been reused/adapted on Mentos pages around the world & the Christmas Jingle Bells animation was picked up by Mentos HQ for global content.

Want to talk further about CX or just have a casual convo about what could be next next...? Get in touch.

hello@lorienswan.com 0405948484 linkedin= loriennlindsay twitter@loriennlindsay